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About Susan

About Susan Fountain,
SREC SD-16 Committeewoman


Joined Lake Highlands Republican Women


LHRW Treasurer 2 years, Attended 1st RPT State Convention 2008


LHRW Membership Vice President; Attended RPT State Convention 2010


LHRW Treasurer 2 Years, Attended RPT State Convention 2012


LHRW President, 1st two-year term - Membership doubled, Attended RPT State Convention 2014


Dallas County Republican Party Treasurer, Attended RPT State Convention 2016 & 2018 


Dallas County Council of Republican Women Treasurer, TFRW 2017 Convention Treasurer, Attended RPT State Convention 2018

LHRW President, 2nd two-year term


2018  Elected to 1st term as SREC SD16 at June 2018 Convention.  Served on Legislative Priorities Committee.  This SREC Committee was focused on the 8 Legislative Priorities passed at the 2018 Republican Party of Texas State Convention in San Antonio, my 6th Convention.  Each Sub-Committee tracked bills from filing to final disposition in the 86th Legislative Session and I was Chair of our Sub-Committee "Abolish Abortion".  I also served on the Party Organization Committee tasked with rewriting Employee Handbook ensuring the resolution of Party Employees acting as activists at the mike during the Convention to implement changes to our Party Platform.  The Party Organization Committee also set out a plan to allocate $100,000 to fund website implementation for all 254 County Parties. Also served on  Engagement Committee, tasked with finding new methods of engaging communities within our own communities.  Full attendance of all eight quarterly SREC meetings in the full two-year term 2018 - 2020.

Additional 2018 Activities: While continuing to work full time as a contract accountant for small businesses, I served as Precinct Chair for Precinct 2064, reaching out to inform not only precinct 2064 but residents of other precincts in my Lake Highlands Community.  Launched DallasDecides2019, under Chairwoman Missy Shorey to bring information to Dallas residents of issues facing Dallas Police officers.  Sounded the alarm regarding the 7 City-wide Town Hall meetings to weaponize with funding the Community Police Reform Board (CPRB) now known as Community Police Oversight Board (CPOB).  Appearing at each of 7 Town Hall Meetings and speaking at Dallas City Council Meetings, we were successful in reducing the requested funding from $1.5 million to $375k. My goal was to engage the entire City of Dallas in supporting our Dallas Police rather than allow a group of very liberal and anti-police "Coalition Partners" to pressure the City Council into harassment of our police officers for not being "polite enough".  


Began working with the late Dallas County Republican Party Chairwoman Missy Shorey to expose the 'non-partisan' candidates of the 2019 Dallas City Council Election.  Using DallasDecides2019, we documented issues affecting Dallas residents and devised a candidate ranking system of liberal to conservative beginning with exposure of their well-documented voting records of Democrat and Republican primaries. Answered questions of thousands of voters who were always asking "For whom should I vote? There are no Rs or Ds."  Unfortunately, when Missy passed away unexpectedly, her successor immediately shut down many of our attempts to become more active in Dallas County elections.   We began recruiting precinct chairs to fill vacancies and/or working with existing precinct chairs to become more active.  Met with groups to show the way to getting involved.  Campaigned for several Dallas City Council Candidates. Serving in Central Count as a watcher, I worked until 2am sometimes after completing my 15 hour day as an election judge.


Covid shutdowns changed everything.  I was very involved in Primary Election, serving as Election Judge.  Served as a watcher in Central Count during March Primary election observing the flipping of flash drives from two separate locations, proving the existence of parallel Central Count and the compromising of live election votes. Spoke in an open Commissioner's Court meeting.  Attended Precinct Convention, served on SD 16 Nominations Committee and attended SD16 Convention  Attended Virtual 2020 Republican Party of Texas Convention and re-elected to 2nd SREC term unopposed.  We also elected a new RPT Chairman Allen West and I was extremely proud that he appointed me as Chair of the Party Organization Committee and also as a member of the very influential Officials Committee which serves the Party Chair as an interim committee to address all issues which cannot wait until a quarterly meeting.  I have not yet missed a quarterly SREC meeting in 3 years. One of the highlights of 2020 was being awarded the  prestigious Conservative Leadership Award by Texas Scorecard. What an amazing honor!



Following the disastrous November 2020 election, I served on the Legislative Priorities Election Integrity Committee.  In the 87th Legislative Session, we watched our Heartbeat Bill pass, the strongest pro-life legislation ever passed in Texas, saving thousands of innocent lives. Constitutional Carry finally was passed.  No prohibition of Gender Modification Surgery was passed, which was extremely disappointing.  We immediately began implementing a plan for recruiting Dallas City Council candidates and began interviewing candidates in various homes scattered in North Dallas.  We were able to field a slate of 11 Republican candidates in 9 City Council Districts, and we could have flipped the majority from very liberal, very anti-police to a moderate/conservative slate of Republicans.  We were unable to increase our usually dismal municipal election voter turnout.  Again while working as a contract Accountant and being Precinct Chair for 2064 and "ghost-chairing" Precinct 2063, I was also serving as a member of the Precinct Chair Vacancy Committee, and we have sworn in over 130 new precinct chairs while I have been serving on this committee.  Upon the resignation of Rodney Anderson, on July 29, we elected a new County Chairwoman, Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu.  What a breath of fresh air!  She immediately began the task of liquidating a $60,000 debt and reaching out to raise enough funds to keep the lights on and the rent paid.  She promptly hired me as her Executive Director, and I retired from my past life as a Contract Accountant to take the position, knowing the huge undertaking we were about to begin.  After I took a short vacation recuperating from 5 days in the ER at Medical City Hospital with covid and 5 days of homestay, Jennifer and I began the task of rebuilding the Dallas County Republican Party.  My voice in Dallas County as SREC for SD 16 suddenly quadrupled!  My role as SREC Party Organization Chair has served us well,  as my primary goal was to establish a credible website presence for all County Republican Party organizations throughout the entire State of Texas.  Dallas County Republican Party was not only ineffective, outdated and woefully embarrassing for a County Party of our size, but there was no information on it and even our list of precinct chairs was incorrect.  My collaboration with fellow precinct chair and 2020 convention delegate Bill Anderton began in September. I knew the BEST!  We often met via telephone when I returned home in the evenings from the DCRP HQ and worked sometimes into the wee hours of the morning.  We call him our master webmaster and Bill has worked tirelessly with us to now reach more than 44,000 Dallas County Republicans every month!  His contribution is vast and he does it for the cause!  We now have a world-class website valued at tens of thousands of dollars and we can never repay his service to the Party!  Thank you so very much, Bill! You are truly our hero!


Each and every day at Dallas County Republican Party, my role as SREC for SD-16 is in full swing and has guided me in implementing much change and we have now implemented many resources for our invaluable precinct chairs, who previously had no training, no data, no support, and no encouragement from our previous party leadership.  We encourage vice-chairs to work in tandem with our precinct chairs, organizing precinct chairs within City Council Districts, all with the same goal: to reach our grassroots and get out the vote in Dallas County!  Chair Jennifer Hajdu serves the cause; she and I are in the office every weekday.  It is hard to imagine a more active and wonderful person with whom to work, an accomplished attorney focused on the same goal: to get Republicans elected in Dallas County!  Jennifer works tirelessly for our Republican Party and always has a positive and happy outlook for Dallas County!  We are often holding training classes at our Party HQ on many Saturdays.  Since January, we began a method of vetting, training, and scheduling our election Judges and clerks to ensure that all election workers were assigned in our March 1st Joint Primary, our May 7 Joint election, our May 24 Primary Runoff, and our upcoming June 18 School Board/Municipal Runoff.  We are training new election workers every month and we will be ready for the upcoming November 1st Election! Our volunteers are heroes in our eyes and many have shown up to help us gather and enter data, answer the phone, etc.  There is so much positive energy coming at us!  The structure so lacking in Dallas County for many years is now taking place.  People every day are learning that we get the government in which we participate!  When we understand what the other side is doing when we are not paying attention, it makes us work all the harder to turn this ship around in Dallas County. I have never worked so hard or enjoyed what we are doing more!  I am so grateful to Chair Jennifer Hajdu for giving me the opportunity to make a difference in Dallas County!  Come and join us! I humbly ask for your support and your vote at the 2022 RPT Convention in Houston on June 16-18!  Keep this unbelievable momentum going! 

Vision Statement

Working all day, every day, for SD-16 to take back Dallas County.